We hit the waters this summer with high expectations and even higher hopes. Since we began Catboat Charters, back in 2015, each season has been better than the one that preceded it. It seems that every October, we wrap things up, shake our heads, and say to ourselves, “There is no way we will be able to top that one!”. With more gratitude than we can possibly express, we have been wrong each and every time. Sail along with us as we recap some of the excitement we have had this year…
America Loves A Big Sail
If you have been following us on our social media platforms, you will know that our biggest change this year was Tigress’s brand new sail! Over the winter, Captain Kurt was hard at work learning a new skill—sailmaking. Working at Squeteague Sailmakers, Kurt had his hand in creating our first properly stitched sail. Up until now, our Tigress flew a beautiful canvas sail hand-painted by Captain Kurt. We went through three like that. This time we upped the ante! We knew that our new sail would be a game-changer. On May 26th, we sailed her into Edgartown Harbor, and she made quite an impression! The new sail is not as heavy as its predecessors and it positively glows in the sunlight. As if that wasn’t cause enough for excitement, the new sail is bigger! This is the first time that all fifty stars and all thirteen stripes have fit on our sail. Our Captain had to build a new mast and extend the boom to accommodate it! We are thrilled with the results.
The Best Of The Vineyard
Our season had just begun when it was time once again for Best Of The Vineyard. Last year, we won for Best Sailing Charter, and we were ecstatic! It was definitely one of the best nights of our lives. We were up against stiff competition in Mad Max and The Black Dog—the latter of the two had won five years in a row. When they announced our name, we were overwhelmed. This year, we were the defending champions. We are thrilled to be able to tell you that we won again. We truly could not be more grateful to everyone who has sailed with us, recommended us, written a positive review about us, and voted for us! We would not be here without every member of our team, and our team would not be here without any of you. Thank you very much.
Cape Cod Life
As our season continued, we found ourselves the recipient of another unprecedented honor. For the first time, we were the subject of a feature article in the July issue of Cape Cod Life Magazine! Their eight page interview/article about Captain Kurt was beautifully written by Chris White. Chris, by sheer coincidence, was Kurt’s sailing instructor in Cotuit when Kurt was 12! We could not be more proud. The fact that Cape Cod Life Magazine is such a prestigious national publication is thrilling for us. If you haven’t picked up a copy yet, be sure to do so!
Keep Sailing!
Aside from all of the awards and write-ups, this season truly has been our best season to-date. We are busier than ever and that is always something for which to be grateful. We continue to grow our Catboat Charters family—more and more of our sails are with repeat guests. That really means a lot to us. We love reconnecting with our guests from seasons past. Life is good when you spend it catching up with old friends! Thank you for sailing with Catboat Charters!